Cookie Policy

This document describes how cookies are used on the websites and, identifying the different types of cookies used, their purposes, how users can consent to or opt out of using cookies, and the third parties involved in placing cookies.

What is a Cookie?

A cookie is a small text file stored on your computer or other internet-connected device. Cookies have various purposes, such as storing user preferences, remembering login information, and tracking user behavior on the web to personalize the browsing experience. They are completely secure and cannot be used to run programs or transmit viruses to your device.

What Types of Cookies Do We Use?

Cookies can be session cookies or persistent cookies. A session cookie automatically expires when you close the browser. A persistent cookie will remain until it expires or you delete your cookies. The expiration dates are set within the cookies themselves; some may expire after a few minutes, while others may expire after several years. Cookies set by the site you are visiting are called 'first-party cookies' and are used to provide specific functionalities of the site, such as remembering user preferences or maintaining login status. They are unique to the site you are visiting and are not shared with other sites.

We classify cookies into the following categories:

  • Strictly Necessary: These cookies are essential to allow you to navigate the site and use its features. If you remove or disable these cookies, we cannot guarantee that you will be able to use our site. Example: authentication cookies.
  • Functional: These cookies enhance site functionality by storing your preferences. Example: language cookies.
  • Preference: These cookies store your browsing preferences. Example: theme cookies.
  • Analytics: These cookies collect anonymous data about site usage to improve the user experience. Example: Google Analytics cookies.

Third-Party Cookies

A third-party cookie is set by a domain other than the one you are visiting. On our site, we do not allow external companies to collect data through third-party cookies to protect our users' privacy. However, when incorporating third-party content, such as videos or applications, these third parties may set cookies in your browser to provide necessary services, such as bandwidth management or language preference storage. We always opt for privacy-respecting options, such as Privacy Mode or collection of only anonymous statistics. However, we do not have full control over these cookies set by third parties when loading embedded content on our web pages.

Purpose of Cookies

Cookies will be used for site functionalities, performance analysis, and targeted advertising.

Cookie Retention Period

Cookies used on our sites may have different retention periods depending on their purpose and functionality. See below:

  • Session Cookies: These cookies are temporary and are automatically deleted once you close the browser. They are used to maintain the user's session state during navigation on our site and are not retained beyond the current session.
  • Persistent Cookies: These cookies are stored on your device for a specific period, which can range from a few days to several years. The retention period depends on the cookie's purpose and specific settings. For example, preference cookies may be retained for a longer period to remember your settings, while analytics cookies may be retained for a shorter period to track user behavior over time.

It is important to note that you can delete cookies at any time through your browser settings. Instructions for doing so vary depending on the browser you are using.

How You Can Manage Cookies

You can manage your cookie preferences at any time by clicking 'Manage Cookie Preferences' at the top of this page or through the cookie icon that appears in the bottom left corner of web pages.

Browser Settings: Most browsers offer options to control cookies through their settings. However, restricting websites' ability to set cookies may affect your user experience, as it will no longer be personalized for you. Additionally, this may prevent you from saving customized settings, such as login information.

Explicit Consent

Our users can consent to or opt out of using cookies through a consent banner displayed on their first visit to the site. Consent is recorded and you can revoke it at any time through the 'Manage Cookie Preferences' button or by adjusting your browser settings. Revoking consent will not affect the legality of any processing carried out before the revocation.

International Data Transfers

In some cases, we may transfer your personal data to other countries, for example, when using analytics or cloud storage services. We take the necessary measures to ensure these transfers comply with GDPR, including the use of standard contractual clauses approved by the relevant Data Protection Authorities (DPAs).


We reserve the right to update this Cookie Statement periodically to reflect changes in the cookies we use or for other operational, legal, or regulatory reasons. Therefore, we recommend that you regularly review this Cookie Statement to stay informed about our use of cookies and related technologies.

Policy Updates

This policy may be updated periodically and the latest versions will be available on the site. We will notify users of significant changes through notices on the site or by email. We recommend that you regularly review this Cookie Statement to stay informed about our use of cookies and related technologies.

For more information about cookies, please contact us at